Quality and In-Use Stability Comparison of Brand and Generics of Extended-Release Phenytoin Sodium Capsules. uri icon


  • The objective of the present study was to understand quality of brand and generic products of phenytoin sodium by in vitro methods. Three commercial products were selected for the study, 1 brand and 2 generics (product-A, product-B, and product-C). Products were repacked in pharmacy vials and stored for 12 weeks at 30C/75% RH to simulate in-use conditions. The products were examined visually and microscopically for morphologic changes, spectroscopic and diffractometric methods for chemical changes, and dissolution, assay, and impurities for performance evaluation. Capsules content of the product-A turned yellowish to dark orange color from initial white powder, which indicated a possible chemical interaction between lactose and the drug in addition to disproportionation. This was supported by pH, microscopic, spectroscopic, and X-ray diffraction data. Product-A failed to meet United States Pharmacopoeia dissolution specification of 75% in 120min after 2-weeks whereas product-B and product-C failed at 6-weeks of in-use stability conditions exposure. Furthermore, product-A also failed to meet United States pharmacopoeia assay and impurities specifications in 12 weeks in-use period. In summary, this study indicated salt disproportionation, chemical interactions, and phase transformations of drug and excipients in the commercial products of phenytoin sodium, which may affect the clinical performance of the product.

published proceedings

  • J Pharm Sci

altmetric score

  • 0.5

author list (cited authors)

  • Dharani, S., Barakh Ali, S. F., Afrooz, H., Bhattacharya, R., Khan, M. A., & Rahman, Z.

citation count

  • 8

complete list of authors

  • Dharani, Sathish||Barakh Ali, Sogra F||Afrooz, Hamideh||Bhattacharya, Raktima||Khan, Mansoor A||Rahman, Ziyaur

publication date

  • May 2019