Three phase K-values of heavy paraffins and crude oil pseudocomponents in presence of water
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1997 SPE All rights reserved. A series of laboratory tests is conducted to obtain the basic distillation data needed to determine the three-phase K-values of heavy paraffins (C 8 -C 20 ) and of crude oil pseudocomponents. The system temperature ranges from 250 to 500 F and the saturation pressures from 28 to 961 psia. Stagewise isochoric distillation (SWID) experiments are conducted to obtain the vapor phase compositions which are used to calculate the phase compositions and phase volumes within the distillation cell. Three-phase AT-values are calculated using empirical component property correlations and a material balance model. A series of binary, tertiary, and quaternary mixtures of heavy paraffins and water is investigated to determine their three phase K-values. Reported are vapor-oleic (K ivo ) and vapor-aqueous (K iva ) phase AT-values of the heavy paraffins. A pseudoization technique (modified Whitson's approach) is used for a consistent lumping of crude oil pseudocomponents for determining three-phase K-values. Pseudo-component three-phase AT-values of four crude oils with API gravity ranging from 10 to 29 are determined. The three-phase AT-values should be useful for thermal recovery simulation and process evaluation.