COPF: Citrus orchard perimeter fencing as a strategy for reducing Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera:Liviidae) infestation uri icon


  • AbstractCitrus grove colonization by the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) starts from border trees. This behaviour can be exploited by placing barriers along grove borders to prevent psyllid incursion and thwart population establishment and growth. We tested the effects of psyllidresistant mesh fencing along grove borders for seasonlong control of D.citri populations. Deployment of sticky cards at different heights revealed that most D.citri (>99%) were collected on traps placed at or below 3.7m along grove border. Thus, psyllidresistant mesh fencing (3.7m in height) was installed along the eastern and southern borders of a 3yearold grapefruit grove to protect against D.citri infestations, while the west and north edges were left unprotected. A similar adjacent grove with no border fencing served as untreated control. A reduction of 55%98% of D.citri numbers was observed in the grove with border fences relative to the untreated control. D.citri density reductions were more pronounced on the sides with border fences suggesting that the observed effects were due to the mesh fencing. Thus, border mesh fencing as a standalone approach or coupled with other management strategies, such as border sprays, could be an effective psyllid management strategy. The seasonlong benefits of border fences are not limited to D.citri population control, but also significant reductions of insecticide input and nontarget effects, thus substantially mitigating the risks of secondary pest outbreaks and ensuring the sustainability of D.citri management in citrus groves.

published proceedings


altmetric score

  • 6.9

author list (cited authors)

  • Setamou, M., Alabi, O. J., Tofangsazi, N., & Grafton-Cardwell, E.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Setamou, Mamoudou||Alabi, Olufemi J||Tofangsazi, Nastaran||Grafton-Cardwell, Elizabeth

publication date

  • December 2018
