Errata uri icon


  • 1989, Crop Science Society of America. All rights reserved. The article Allelic Composition of Cotton and the Le, and Le, Loci by William L. Rooney and David M. Stelly in Crop Science 29:707-712 contains an error. Table 2 at the top of page 708 has an incorrect genotype listed. Genotype 3 should be Le, Le, Le, Le, with the corresponding footnote detailing that all USA cultivars currently tested carry this genotype. Also, Figure 2 and 3 captions were printed in reverse order.

published proceedings

  • Crop Science

author list (cited authors)

  • Rooney, W. L., & Stelly, D. M.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Rooney, WL||Stelly, DM

publication date

  • May 1989
