Ground and satellite based observation datasets for the Lower Mekong River Basin.
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In 'Satellite observations and modeling to understand the Lower Mekong River Basin streamflow variability' [1] hydrological fluxes, meteorological variables, land cover land use maps, and soil characteristics and parameters data were compiled and processed for the Lower Mekong River Basin. In this work, daily streamflow time series data at nine gauges located at five different countries in the Mekong region (Thailand, Laos Peoples Democratic Republic (PDR), Myanmar, Cambodia, and Viet Nam) is presented. Satellite-based daily precipitation and air temperature (minimum & maximum) data is processed and provided over the entire basin as part of the dataset provided in this work. Moreover, land cover land use raster data that contains 18 classes that cover agriculture, urban, range and forests land cover land use classes for the basin is offered. In addition, a soil data that contains physical and chemical characteristics needed by physically based hydrological models to simulate the cycling of water and air is also provided.
Mohammed, I. N., Bolten, J. D., Srinivasan, R., Meechaiya, C., Spruce, J. P., & Lakshmi, V.
complete list of authors
Mohammed, Ibrahim Nourein||Mohammed, Ibrahim Nourein||Bolten, John D||Bolten, John D||Srinivasan, Raghavan||Srinivasan, Raghavan||Meechaiya, Chinaporn||Meechaiya, Chinaporn||Spruce, Joseph P||Spruce, Joseph P||Lakshmi, Venkat||Lakshmi, Venkat