Tobacco quitline outcomes for priority populations.
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BACKGROUND: Despite declining rates of tobacco use, certain subgroups still experience a disproportionate risk for tobacco-related health issues. The South Dakota QuitLine identifies five priority population subgroups as the following: American Indians, tobacco users receiving Medicaid, youth, pregnant women, and spit tobacco users. The purpose of this study was to describe South Dakota QuitLine use among priority population subgroups and to measure associated cessation rates and service satisfaction. METHODS: Priority population subgroups comprised 22.6 percent (9,558 out of 42,237) of South Dakota QuitLine participants during a six-year period (2008-2013). Of the 34,866 total participants eligible for seven-months follow-up, 15,983 completed a telephone survey that measured tobacco quit status and service satisfaction (45.8 percent overall response). Eligible priority population subgroups had a 41.9 percent response (3,094 out of 7,388). RESULTS: The seven-month tobacco quit rate for the non-priority population group (46.9 percent) was higher than the quit rate for pregnant women (42.3 percent), youth (37.5 percent), American Indians (38.1 percent), Medicaid participants (35.7 percent) and participants with more than one priority subgroup designation (35.1 percent). The quit rate for spit tobacco users was highest overall (57.3 percent). All subgroups were satisfied with South Dakota Quitline services ( 3.5/4.0 scale; 4 = very satisfied). CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco users in high risk and underserved population subgroups of the South Dakota QuitLine seek cessation services. Quit rates were overall favorable and varied between population subgroups (35.1-57.3 percent). Health care providers play a vital role in early identification of tobacco use and referral to cessation services for priority populations. Providers should assess tobacco use, advise users to quit, and refer to the South Dakota QuitLine.