Raman Detection in Microchips and Microchannels
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2010 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. In this chapter, we describe the background of Raman spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and the development of optofluidic systems toward producing more robust, Raman spectra. Further, applications for the device are described such as the detection of small molecules, the detection of beta amyloid for Alzheimers disease, the ability to detect the denaturation of proteins, and for use as a point-of-care (POC) diagnostic for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) through the detection of cardiac biomarkers, including, for example, cardiac troponin (cTn). In addition, as one specific example, a new optofluidic platform and methodology is described for early detection and characterization of analytes that could be useful in sensing and diagnosis. This extremely sensitive SERS nanochannelbased optofluidic system is being developed to provide enhancements equal to or exceeding 1010 for small molecules at the entrance to a nanochannel, enabling the rapid quantification of femtomolar or smaller levels of targets in fluids.