The carrot secreted glycoprotein gene EP1 is expressed in the epidermis and has sequence homology to Brassica S-locus glycoproteins.
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Non-embryogenic carrot suspension cells secrete the EP1 glycoprotein. A cDNA clone encoding EP1 was isolated and sequenced. The EP1 sequence revealed a region of homology with Brassica S-locus glycoprotein genes, an Arabidopsis S-like gene and putative S-like receptor protein kinases from maize and Arabidopsis. EP1 gene expression, analysed by in situ mRNA localization, was detected in cells located at the surface of the seedling: in the epidermis of the root, the hypocotyl and the cotyledons, in the root cap, and in a crescent of cells in the apical dome of the shoot. In developing seeds, expression was most pronounced in both the inner and outer integument epidermis.