Fundamental Limits of Coded Caching: From Uncoded Prefetching to Coded Prefetching
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2018 IEEE. In order to characterize the fundamental limit of the tradeoff between the amount of cache memory and the delivery transmission rate of multiuser caching systems, various coding schemes have been proposed in the literature. These schemes can largely be categorized into two classes, namely uncoded prefetching schemes and coded prefetching schemes. While uncoded prefetching schemes in general offer order-wise optimal performance, coded prefetching schemes often have better performance at the low cache memory regime. The significant differences in the coding components between the two classes may leave the impression that they are largely unrelated. In this paper, we provide a connection between the uncoded prefetching scheme proposed by Maddah Ali and Niesen (and its improved version by Yu et al.) and the coded prefetching scheme proposed by Tian and Chen. A critical observation is made, where a coding component in the Tian-Chen scheme can be replaced by a binary code, which enables us to view the two schemes as the extremes of a more general scheme. An explicit example is given to show that the intermediate operating points of this general scheme can provide new memory-rate tradeoff points previously not known to be achievable in the literature. This new general coding scheme is then presented and analyzed rigorously, which yields a new inner bound to the memory-rate tradeoff for the caching problem.