El Derecho Sobre Recursos Transfronterizos y La Reforma Energtica
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Translated Title: International Law on the Exploitation of Transboundary Hydrocarbon Resources and the Mexican Energy Reform El presente libro tiene la intencin de mostrar la radiografa del rgimen jurdico que regula la explotacin de hidrocarburos transfronterizos en Mxico y de poner en el centro del debate el impacto que la Reforma Energtica del 2013 ha tenido en el mismo. En Mxico histricamente se ha clasifi cado al rgimen de explotacin de hidrocarburos como altamente nacionalista. Sin embargo, la naturaleza y una poltica exterior respetuosa del Derecho Internacional, han hecho que en el caso de los recursos transfronterizos de hidrocarburos el Derecho Internacional sea la norma y no slo la legislacin nacional. En este sentido es clave comprender los alcances que el Derecho Internacional tiene en la materia para evitar caer en contradicciones con las obligaciones internacionales a las que el pas se ha sujetado. Translated Abstract: This book is a comprehensive study of the legal regime that regulates the exploitation of transboundary hydrocarbons in Mexico. Moreover, it places at the center of the legal debate the impact that the 2013 Energy Reform has had on the transboundary regime. In Mexico, the hydrocarbon exploitation regime has been historically classified as highly nationalistic. However, nature and a foreign policy that respects international obligations have made international law the rule and not just national legislation in the case of cross-border hydrocarbon resources. In this sense, the analysis made in the book on the Mexican case serves as an example of how a comprehensive integration of the International Law that regulates the development of joint resources helps States to avoid contradicting their international obligations on the subject.