Multiple-University Extension Program Addresses Postdisaster Oil Spill Needs Through Private Funding Partnership
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by Extension Journal, Inc. In response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) was formed to answer oil spill-related scientific questions. However, peer-reviewed scientific discoveries were not reaching people whose livelihoods depended on a healthy Gulf of Mexico. GoMRI and the four Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant programs partnered to develop a regional Extension program with a team of multidisciplinary specialists and a regional manager embedded within the Sea Grant programs. The team answered oil spill science questions from target audiences. The program leaders also identified the value of adding a regional Extension communicator to enhance their Extension products.
Sempier, S. H., Swann, D. L., Graham, L., Hale, C., Maung-Douglass, E. S., Wilson, M., ... Main, M. B.
complete list of authors
Sempier, Stephen H||Swann, D LaDon||Graham, Larissa||Hale, Christine||Maung-Douglass, Emily S||Wilson, Monica||Bethel, Matthew||Plotkin, Pamela T||Main, Martin B