Spin-Free Quantum Electronic Structure: Its Second Quantization and Para-Fermionics
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First, the spin-free formulation of electronic structure is reviewed within the standard first-quantized framework, with special attention to its manner of correspondence to the standard antisymmetrized space-spin (ASspin) formulation. Second, within this first-quantized framework, note is made of some "discrepancies" in the correspondence, for example, regarding mismatches of symmetry-related degeneracies. Third, a novel second-quantized spin-free formulation is introduced to overcome these "discrepancies," and so achieve a one-to-one correspondence between ASspin wave functions and second-quantized spin-free wave functions. Yet further, this second-quantized spin-free description enables the identification of electrons as "para-Fermions," at least in the nonrelativistic limit of spin-free interactions. From the point of view of elementary particle physics, a rather complete picture of the behavior of para-Fermions emerges with electrons as a proxy, and so suggests that in fact para-Fermions would be difficult to distinguish from ordinary Fermions, at least in this nonrelativistic limit or with but few such particles. 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.