Wiener index extension by counting even/odd graph distances.
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Chemical structures of organic compounds are characterized numerically by a variety of structural descriptors, one of the earliest and most widely used being the Wiener index W, derived from the interatomic distances in a molecular graph. Extensive use of such structural descriptors or topological indices has been made in drug design, screening of chemical databases, and similarity and diversity assessment. A new set of topological indices is introduced representing a partitioning of the Wiener index based on counts of even and odd molecular graph distances. These new indices are further generalized by weighting exponents which can be optimized during the quantitative structure-activity/-property relationship (QSAR/QSPR) modeling process. These novel topological indices are tested in QSPR models for the boiling temperature, molar heat capacity, standard Gibbs energy of formation, vaporization enthalpy, refractive index, and density of alkanes. In many cases, the even/odd distance indices proposed here give notably improved correlations.