Large "pillow" fullerenes hydrogenated at the inter-sheet "seam" uri icon


  • In a previous paper on large "pillow" fullerenes, various systems were described with 12 pentagons connecting 2 parallel hexagonal arrays of benzenoid rings (graphene fragments functioning as the faces of the "pillow") on top of each other. Additional bonds between these identical arrays formed only from sp2-hybridized carbon atoms gave rise to hexagons and 12 pentagons along the "seam" or "rim. " High steric strain was associated with curvature around the pentagons due to connections between the 2 pillow faces involving bonds between 2 sp 2-hybridized carbon atoms. The present paper examines similar "quasi-graphitic" structures in which some carbon atoms of the rim between the two raphene faces have hydrogen atoms attached to them, i.e., have sp3-hybridization, alleviating thereby some strain. Copyright Taylor & Francis, Inc.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Balaban, A. T., Klein, D. J., & Ivanciuc, O.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Balaban, AT||Klein, DJ||Ivanciuc, O

publication date

  • April 2005