Neurology training in psychiatry residency : self-assessment and standardized scores. uri icon


  • Keeping pace with advances in neurosciences is, in part, predicated upon an adequate knowledge of neurology obtained during the psychiatrist's residency training. Results from a questionnaire assessing resident abiliities in neurology and psychiatry were compared with Psychiatry Resident In-Training Examination (PRITE) scores. Self-confidence for treating neurological disorders declined with the progression of training; however, neurology PRITE scores improved significantly. Psychiatric PRITE scores and psychiatric self-confidence also improved over time. These findings have implications for current residency training criteria and education.

published proceedings

  • Acad Psychiatry

author list (cited authors)

  • Albucher, R. C., Maixner, S. M., Riba, M. B., & Liberzon, I.

citation count

  • 5

complete list of authors

  • Albucher, RC||Maixner, SM||Riba, MB||Liberzon, I

publication date

  • June 1999