Advancing Product Quality: a Summary of the Inaugural FDA/PQRI Conference. uri icon


  • On September 16 and 17, 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) inaugurated their Conference on Evolving Product Quality. The Conference is conceived as an annual forum in which scientists from regulatory agencies, industry, and academia may exchange viewpoints and work together to advance pharmaceutical quality. This Conference Summary Report highlights key topics of this conference, including (1) risk-based approaches to pharmaceutical development, manufacturing, regulatory assessment, and post-approval changes; (2) FDA-proposed quality metrics for products, facilities, and quality management systems; (3) performance-based quality assessment and clinically relevant specifications; (4) recent developments and implementation of continuous manufacturing processes, question-based review, and European Medicines Agency (EMA)-FDA pilot for Quality-by-Design (QbD) applications; and (5) breakthrough therapies, biosimilars, and international harmonization, focusing on ICH M7 and Q3D guidelines. The second FDA/PQRI conference on advancing product quality is planned for October 5-7, 2015.

published proceedings

  • AAPS J

author list (cited authors)

  • Yu, L. X., Baker, J., Berlam, S. C., Boam, A., Brandreth, E. J., Buhse, L., ... Vaithiyalingam, S.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Yu, Lawrence X||Baker, Jeffrey||Berlam, Susan C||Boam, Ashley||Brandreth, EJ||Buhse, Lucinda||Cosgrove, Thomas||Doleski, David||Ensor, Lynne||Famulare, Joseph||Ganapathy, Mohan||Grampp, Gustavo||Hussong, David||Iser, Robert||Johnston, Gordon||Kesisoglou, Filippos||Khan, Mansoor||Kozlowski, Steven||Lacana, Emanuela||Lee, Sau L||Miller, Stephen||Miksinski, Sarah Pope||Moore, Christine MV||Mullin, Theresa||Raju, GK||Raw, Andre||Rosencrance, Susan||Rosolowsky, Mark||Stinavage, Paul||Thomas, Hayden||Wesdyk, Russell||Windisch, Joerg||Vaithiyalingam, Sivakumar

publication date

  • July 2015