Specially invited opinions and research report of the International Water Law Project: global perspectives on the entry into force of the UN Watercourses Convention 2014: part two
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This is the second part of a research report on opinions of prominent international water lawyers from each continent on the potential impacts of the 1997 UN Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. The first part of the report was published in Water Policy 16(6). The following compilation is reproduced and adapted from a series of essays that appeared in the blog of the International Water Law Project (www.internationalwaterlaw.org). The series was solicited in preparation for the coming into force of the 1997 UN Convention on the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses. The Convention had been pending for 17 years since its adoption by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1997. On 19 May 2014, Vietnam became the 35th party to the treaty, bringing the total number of State Parties to 35, the minimum number of ratifications needed to bring that Convention into force. In anticipation of this long-awaited occasion, during the summer of 2014, the International Water Law Project hosted a series of essays on its blog (www.internationalwaterlaw.org/blog/) from some of the most knowledgeable scholars and practitioners worldwide. The series provided unique perspectives and information on the implications of the Convention for international water law and the global management of transboundary watercourses. The outcome was a fantastic, provocative, and timely compilation that offered readers both an introduction and unique insight into the Convention. It also offered readers the opportunity to participate in the discussion and offer their own perspectives and opinions by submitting comments on the various essays. While the essays have been included in the following compilation, the readers comments can be found on the International Water Law Project Blog. The International Water Law Project is itself a unique institution. Existing solely on the Internet, the website is one of the premier resources and clearing houses for information on international water law and policy. Its purpose is to educate and provide relevant resources to researchers and the public and to facilitate cooperation over the worlds freshwater resources.