Women Labor Arbitrators: Women Members of the National Academy of Arbitrators Speak About the Barriers of Entry into the Field uri icon


  • Labor arbitration imposes some of the highest barriers of entry in any field of alternative dispute resolution. Parties picking an arbitrator in a labor dispute typically know and trust the chosen arbitrator. Arbitrators usually have some prior experience in labor organizations or management before assuming the role of a neutral. This reality makes the field an "insiders club." A successful labor arbitrator not only has these strong personal and professional connections to the parties, but also experience, knowledge, and impartiality. This Article explores the barriers that women, in particular, face in entering this profession.

published proceedings

  • Appalachian Journal of Law

author list (cited authors)

  • Alkon, C.

complete list of authors

  • Alkon, Cynthia

publication date

  • March 2007