Comparativa entre les reformes dels Estatuts d'Autonomia de Catalunya i d'Andalusia [Comparative Analysis of the Reforms of the Charters of Autonomy of Catalonia and Andaluca] Academic Article uri icon


  • En els ordenaments jurdics continentals europeus no s habitual ladmissi descrits acadmics independents adreats als tribunals de justcia en el marc de procediments de gran importncia. En els pasos del Common Law, especialment en les jurisdiccions nordamericanes, mitjanant el procediment anomenat dAmicus Curiae es permet dadrear aquesta mena descrits als tribunals de justcia, que hauran de decidir si els tenen o no en compte. A travs de les pgines dInDret, hem volgut oferir aquest document de comparaci dambds Estatuts per contribuir al debat jurdic en el marc del procs de reforma dels Estatuts dAutonomia a lEstat i en relaci als diferents recursos dinconstitucionalitat que shi puguin plantejar. [In the European continental legal systems, the admission of independent academic writings aimed at the courts of justice in the framework of procedures of great importance. In Common Law countries, especially in North American jurisdictions, through the A procedure called Amicus Curiae allows you to send this type of writings to the courts of justice, who will have to decide whether or not they have them in account Through the pages of InDret, we wanted to offer this document of comparison of both Statutes to contribute to the legal debate in the Framework of the process of reform of the Statutes of Autonomy in the State and in relation to the different resources of unconstitutionality that may arise.]

published proceedings

  • InDret

author list (cited authors)

  • Lamarca-Marqus, A., & Casado-Prez, V.

complete list of authors

  • Lamarca-Marquès, Albert||Casado-Pérez, Vanessa

publication date

  • January 2006

published in