A survey of the role of thermodynamics and transport properties in ChE university education in Europe and the USA
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A survey was conducted on the role of thermodynamics and transport properties (TTP) in chemical engineering (ChE) university education in Europe and the US. The survey focused on examining the role of undergraduate and post-graduate programs in Europe and the US. Responses received from 136 universities from 20 different European countries and the US were analyzed and the findings were presented. The survey was conducted by an international team of chemical engineering professionals from academic institutions and the industry using a Web-based surveying system. The findings revealed that more than 70% of the universities that responded to the survey offered a B.Sc. degree in chemical engineering, while 65% offered an M.Sc. degree and 55% offered a Ph.D. degree. It was also revealed that most of the universities offered at least two courses of TTP in the chemical engineering curricula.