Improved Hydrological Decision Support System for the Lower Mekong River Basin Using Satellite-Based Earth Observations. uri icon


  • Multiple satellite-based earth observations and traditional station data along with the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic model were employed to enhance the Lower Mekong River Basin region's hydrological decision support system. A nearest neighbor approximation methodology was introduced to fill the Integrated Multi-satellite Retrieval for the Global Precipitation Measurement mission (IMERG) grid points from 2001 to 2014, together with the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) data points for continuous precipitation forcing for our hydrological decision support system. A software tool to access and format satellite-based earth observation systems of precipitation and minimum and maximum air temperatures was developed and is presented. Our results suggest that the model-simulated streamflow utilizing TRMM and IMERG forcing data was able to capture the variability of the observed streamflow patterns in the Lower Mekong better than model-simulated streamflow with in-situ precipitation station data. We also present satellite-based and in-situ precipitation adjustment maps that can serve to correct precipitation data for the Lower Mekong region for use in other applications. The inconsistency, scarcity, poor spatial representation, difficult access and incompleteness of the available in-situ precipitation data for the Mekong region make it imperative to adopt satellite-based earth observations to pursue hydrologic modeling.

published proceedings

  • Remote Sens (Basel)

author list (cited authors)

  • Mohammed, I. N., Bolten, J. D., Srinivasan, R., & Lakshmi, V.

complete list of authors

  • Mohammed, Ibrahim Nourein||Mohammed, Ibrahim Nourein||Bolten, John D||Bolten, John D||Srinivasan, Raghavan||Srinivasan, Raghavan||Lakshmi, Venkat||Lakshmi, Venkat
