Search for anomalous semileptonic decay of heavy flavor hadrons produced in association with a W boson at CDF II
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We present a search for anomalous semileptonic decays of heavy flavor hadrons produced in association with a W boson in proton-antiproton collisions at s=1.96TeV. We use 162pb-1 of data collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We select events with one W boson and at least one jet with an identified secondary vertex. In the jets with a secondary vertex we look for a semileptonic decay to a muon. We compare the number of jets with both a secondary vertex and a semileptonic decay and the kinematic properties of these jets, with the standard model expectation of W plus heavy flavor production and decay. No discrepancy is seen between the observation and the expectation, and we set limits on the production cross section of a B-like hadron with an anomalously high semileptonic branching ratio. 2006 The American Physical Society.
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author list (cited authors)
Abulencia, A., Acosta, D., Adelman, J., Affolder, T., Akimoto, T., Albrow, M. G., ... Zucchelli, S.
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Abulencia, A||Acosta, D||Adelman, J||Affolder, T||Akimoto, T||Albrow, MG||Ambrose, D||Amerio, S||Amidei, D||Anastassov, A||Anikeev, K||Annovi, A||Antos, J||Aoki, M||Apollinari, G||Arguin, JF||Arisawa, T||Artikov, A||Ashmanskas, W||Attal, A||Azfar, F||Azzi-Bacchetta, P||Azzurri, P||Bacchetta, N||Bachacou, H||Badgett, W||Barbaro-Galtieri, A||Barnes, VE||Barnett, BA||Baroiant, S||Bartsch, V||Bauer, G||Bedeschi, F||Behari, S||Belforte, S||Bellettini, G||Bellinger, J||Belloni, A||Ben Haim, E||Benjamin, D||Beretvas, A||Beringer, J||Berry, T||Bhatti, A||Binkley, M||Bisello, D||Bishai, M||Blair, RE||Blocker, C||Bloom, K||Blumenfeld, B||Bocci, A||Bodek, A||Boisvert, V||Bolla, G||Bolshov, A||Bortoletto, D||Boudreau, J||Bourov, S||Boveia, A||Brau, B||Bromberg, C||Brubaker, E||Budagov, J||Budd, HS||Budd, S||Burkett, K||Busetto, G||Bussey, P||Byrum, KL||Cabrera, S||Campanelli, M||Campbell, M||Canelli, F||Canepa, A||Carlsmith, D||Carosi, R||Carron, S||Casarsa, M||Castro, A||Catastini, P||Cauz, D||Cavalli-Sforza, M||Cerri, A||Cerrito, L||Chang, SH||Chapman, J||Chen, YC||Chertok, M||Chiarelli, G||Chlachidze, G||Chlebana, F||Cho, I||Cho, K||Chokheli, D||Chou, JP||Chu, PH||Chuang, SH||Chung, K||Chung, WH||Chung, YS||Ciljak, M||Ciobanu, CI||Ciocci, MA||Clark, A||Clark, D||Coca, M||Connolly, A||Convery, ME||Conway, J||Cooper, B||Copic, K||Cordelli, M||Cortiana, G||Cruz, A||Cuevas, J||Culbertson, R||Cyr, D||DaRonco, S||D'Auria, S||D'onofrio, M||Dagenhart, D||de Barbaro, P||De Cecco, S||Deisher, A||De Lentdecker, G||Dell'Orso, M||Demers, S||Demortier, L||Deng, J||Deninno, M||De Pedis, D||Derwent, PF||Dionisi, C||Dittmann, JR||DiTuro, P||Dorr, C||Dominguez, A||Donati, S||Donega, M||Dong, P||Donini, J||Dorigo, T||Dube, S||Ebina, K||Efron, J||Ehlers, J||Erbacher, R||Errede, D||Errede, S||Eusebi, R||Fang, HC||Farrington, S||Fedorko, I||Fedorko, WT||Feild, RG||Feindt, M||Fernandez, JP||Field, R||Flanagan, G||Flores-Castillo, LR||Foland, A||Forrester, S||Foster, GW||Franklin, M||Freeman, JC||Fujii, Y||Furic, I||Gajjar, A||Gallinaro, M||Galyardt, J||Garcia, JE||Sciveres, MG||Garfinkel, AF||Gay, C||Gerberich, H||Gerchtein, E||Gerdes, D||Giagu, S||di Giovanni, GP||Giannetti, P||Gibson, A||Gibson, K||Ginsburg, C||Giokaris, N||Giolo, K||Giordani, M||Giunta, M||Giurgiu, G||Glagolev, V||Glenzinski, D||Gold, M||Goldschmidt, N||Goldstein, J||Gomez, G||Gomez-Ceballos, G||Goncharov, M||Gonzalez, O||Gorelov, I||Goshaw, AT||Gotra, Y||Goulianos, K||Gresele, A||Griffiths, M||Grinstein, S||Grosso-Pilcher, C||Grundler, U||da Costa, JG||Haber, C||Hahn, SR||Hahn, K||Halkiadakis, E||Hamilton, A||Han, BY||Handler, R||Happacher, F||Hara, K||Hare, M||Harper, S||Harr, RF||Harris, RM||Hatakeyama, K||Hauser, J||Hays, C||Hayward, H||Heijboer, A||Heinemann, B||Heinrich, J||Hennecke, M||Herndon, M||Heuser, J||Hidas, D||Hill, CS||Hirschbuehl, D||Hocker, A||Holloway, A||Hou, S||Houlden, M||Hsu, SC||Huffman, BT||Hughes, RE||Huston, J||Ikado, K||Incandela, J||Introzzi, G||Iori, M||Ishizawa, Y||Ivanov, A||Iyutin, B||James, E||Jang, D||Jayatilaka, B||Jeans, D||Jensen, H||Jeon, EJ||Jones, M||Joo, KK||Jun, SY||Junk, TR||Kamon, T||Kang, J||Karagoz-Unel, M||Karchin, PE||Kato, Y||Kemp, Y||Kephart, R||Kerzel, U||Khotilovich, V||Kilminster, B||Kim, DH||Kim, HS||Kim, JE||Kim, MJ||Kim, MS||Kim, SB||Kim, SH||Kim, YK||Kirby, M||Kirsch, L||Klimenko, S||Klute, M||Knuteson, B||Ko, BR||Kobayashi, H||Kondo, K||Kong, DJ||Konigsberg, J||Kordas, K||Korytov, A||Kotwal, AV||Kovalev, A||Kraus, J||Kravchenko, I||Kreps, M||Kreymer, A||Kroll, J||Krumnack, N||Kruse, M||Krutelyov, V||Kuhlmann, SE||Kusakabe, Y||Kwang, S||Laasanen, AT||Lai, S||Lami, S||Lammel, S||Lancaster, M||Lander, RL||Lannon, K||Lath, A||Latino, G||Lazzizzera, I||Lecci, C||LeCompte, T||Lee, J||Lee, J||Lee, SW||Lefevre, R||Leonardo, N||Leone, S||Levy, S||Lewis, JD||Li, K||Lin, C||Lin, CS||Lindgren, M||Lipeles, E||Liss, TM||Lister, A||Litvintsev, DO||Liu, T||Liu, Y||Lockyer, NS||Loginov, A||Loreti, M||Loverre, P||Lu, RS||Lucchesi, D||Lujan, P||Lukens, P||Lungu, G||Lyons, L||Lys, J||Lysak, R||Lytken, E||Mack, P||MacQueen, D||Madrak, R||Maeshima, K||Maksimovic, P||Manca, G||Margaroli, F||Marginean, R||Marino, C||Martin, A||Martin, M||Martin, V||Martinez, M||Maruyama, T||Matsunaga, H||Mattson, ME||Mazini, R||Mazzanti, P||McFarland, KS||McGivern, D||McIntyre, P||McNamara, P||McNulty, R||Mehta, A||Menzemer, S||Menzione, A||Merkel, P||Mesropian, C||Messina, A||von der Mey, M||Miao, T||Miladinovic, N||Miles, J||Miller, R||Miller, JS||Mills, C||Milnik, M||Miquel, R||Miscetti, S||Mitselmakher, G||Miyamoto, A||Moggi, N||Mohr, B||Moore, R||Morello, M||Fernandez, PM||Mulmenstadt, J||Mukherjee, A||Mulhearn, M||Muller, T||Mumford, R||Murat, P||Nachtman, J||Nahn, S||Nakano, I||Napier, A||Naumov, D||Necula, V||Neu, C||Neubauer, MS||Nielsen, J||Nigmanov, T||Nodulman, L||Norniella, O||Ogawa, T||Oh, SH||Oh, YD||Okusawa, T||Oldeman, R||Orava, R||Osterberg, K||Pagliarone, C||Palencia, E||Paoletti, R||Papadimitriou, V||Papikonomou, 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51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5107 Particle And High Energy Physics
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