publisher of
- An ecosystem-scale perspective of the net land methanol flux: synthesis of micrometeorological flux measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP). 15:7413-7427. 2015
- Scientific Drilling. Scientific Drilling. 11-22. 2013
- San Andreas Fault Zone Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Physical Properties from SAFOD Cuttings and Core. Scientific Drilling. 64-66. 2007
- Stages of Gas Hydrate Evolution on the Northern Cascadia Margin. Scientific Drilling. 1:18-24. 2006
- Distinctive aerosolcloudprecipitation interactions in marine boundary layer clouds from the ACE-ENA and SOCRATES aircraft field campaigns. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP). 24:10323-10347.
- Rapid Sedimentation, Overpressure, and Focused Fluid Flow, Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin
- Scientific Drilling Into the San Andreas Fault ZoneAn Overview of SAFODs First Five Years. Scientific Drilling.
- Stochastic properties of coastal flooding events Part2: Probabilistic analysis
- Stochastic properties of coastal flooding events Part 1: convolutional-neural-network-based semantic segmentation for water detection