Compressive creep of copper containing a liquid bismuth intergranular phase uri icon


  • The creep behavior of copper containing a liquid bismuth intergranular phase has been characterized in experiments performed in compression. The melting of the intergranular phase is shown to enhance the rate at which the material creeps, primarily by hastening the onset of tertiary creep and failure. The stress dependence of the minimum creep rate can be described by a power law with a stress exponent of 23, and the activation energy for creep is 181 kJ/mol. These are shown to be consistent with a creep mechanism in which strain is produced primarily by grain boundary sliding accommodated by cavitation in the liquid phase, with the rate of cavity nucleation controlling the rate of deformation. 1989.

published proceedings

  • Acta Metallurgica

author list (cited authors)

  • Vaandrager, B. L., & Pharr, G. M.

citation count

  • 39

complete list of authors

  • Vaandrager, BL||Pharr, GM

publication date

  • April 1989