The latest of a series of classified lists of power system relay references, begun in 1927, is presented. This bibliography is a continuation of similar bibliographies of relay literature which have been published previously and are contained in the following volumes of this Transaction: The papers listed include references to the subjects of service restoration, testing, and methods of calculation, as well as to the field of relaying. Only the more readily available foreign publications are included. Each reference includes the title, author, publication information, and a very brief summary of the subject matter. Many of the articles are available in abstract form in Science Abstracts - Section B, the Engineering Index, and other digesting or indexing periodicals, as well as in the original magazine listed. The listing of the titles is subdivided into 10 sections, depending upon the general substance of each article. The entries in each section are listed in alphabetical order by the name of the first author. Each title is listed in only one section even though some of the papers referred to may cover material in various sections. A list of the periodicals which have been cited and their place of publication is given following the bibliography. Copyright 1987 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.