Application of the DSM-5 Level of Personality Functioning Scale by Lay Raters.
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One concern that has been expressed with the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) presented in DSM-5 is that the description of characteristic impairments in personality function uses concepts requiring considerable experience and clinical inference to apply. To examine this question, the individual indicators included in the AMPD's Level of Personality Functioning Scale (LPFS) that describes these core impairments were abstracted as individual items, and then rated on a target acquaintance by 194 undergraduate college students with minimal training in personality disorder and no training in the AMPD. Results indicated that the LPFS indicators were highly internally consistent as rated in this sample, and that the degree of discrimination between groups corresponded very well with the putative level of severity represented for each indicator in the LPFS. These findings support the contention that using the LPFS might not require any particular clinical experience or training.