Use of an Innovative Interprofessional Mini-Series Movie to Train Preceptors uri icon


  • Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of the innovative Preceptor Mini-Series: Adventures in Interprofessional Precepting movie program in training pharmacy preceptors on interprofessional competencies and to determine pharmacy preceptors perceptions of the effectiveness of the Mini-Series format. Methods: Chronicled by two preceptor experts, the Mini-Series movie follows the challenges of pharmacy, nursing, and medicine students and their preceptor during six-week experiential rotations. Pharmacy preceptors were invited to events held at movie theatres or local classrooms in three different cities. Participants were asked to provide basic demographic information and answer four pre-program and post-program survey questions focused on working in an interprofessional environment on a 5 point scale, 1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree. The post-program survey also included six additional questions to assess participants attitudes toward the effectiveness of this medium. Results: Fifty-eight (58) individuals attended the movie events. The majority had more than ten years of preceptor experience (n = 21, 36.2%), were female preceptors (n = 40, 69.0%), and practiced in an interprofessional environment (n = 48, 82.8%). The participants scores on all four interprofessional confidence level questions were significantly increased after viewing the Mini-Series movie and the overall mean increased from 4.47 (pre-confidence level) to 4.79 (post-confidence level, p < 0.001). There were no significant differences of confidence levels based on gender, location, or number of students a preceptor took on rotation each year. However, participants with fewer years of preceptor experience (0-10 years) had a significantly higher perceived learning score than those with more preceptor experience (>10 years) (4.89 vs. 4.63, p = 0.020). The mean for satisfaction (4.9, 3 questions) was slightly higher than the means for perceived learning (4.8, 1 question), and instructional approach (4.87, 3 questions). Implications: After program completion, pharmacy preceptors indicated an increase in confidence level for precepting in an interprofessional environment. The Mini-Series movie program also yielded positive feedback on its delivery format and suggests the medium may be effective to use for similar future training initiatives. Conflict of Interest The authors report no conflicts of interest or financial incentives to disclose related to this project. Dr. Craig D. Cox conceptualized, developed, and directed theMini-Seriesprogram described in the manuscript. All funding for and all income generated by the program studied is the property of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy. Type:Original Research

published proceedings

  • INNOVATIONS in pharmacy

author list (cited authors)

  • Cox, C. D., Samuel, N. G., & Cheon, J.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Cox, Craig D||Samuel, Nephy G||Cheon, Jongpil

publication date

  • January 2017