Boris R. Vainberg (on his 80th birthday) uri icon


  • Boris R. Vainberg was born on March 17, 1938, in Moscow. His father was a Lead Engineer in an aviation design institute. His mother was a homemaker. From early age, Boris was attracted to mathematics and spent much of his time at home and in school working through collections of practice problems for the Moscow Mathematical Olympiad. His first mathematical library consisted of the books he received as one of the prize-winners of these olympiads.

author list (cited authors)

  • Egorov, Y., Komech, A., Kuchment, P., Lakshtanov, E., Mazya, V., Molchanov, S., Novikov, R., & Freidlin, M.

complete list of authors

  • Egorov, Yuri||Komech, Alexander||Kuchment, Peter||Lakshtanov, Evgeny||Mazya, Vladimir||Molchanov, Stanislav||Novikov, Roman||Freidlin, Mark

publication date

  • May 2018