Single-Phase ZVS Bidirectional AC-Link Converter for EV Batteries-Grid Integration
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2014 IEEE. This paper develops a single-phase ZVS bidirectional AC-link converter to interface batteries of Electric Vehicles (EVs) to the electric grid. A parallel Link inductance charges from the input (grid/battery). Then, the inductance partially resonates with the help of a parallel capacitance. After that, it discharges to the output (battery/grid). Furthermore, during charging mode, the power is fed into the output through a series inductance. Hence, the proposed converter has a continuous power flow capability. Therefore, its output current is very smooth and doesn't deteriorate the grid. Moreover, the single-phase feature enables interfacing small to medium Battery systems-at a smooth output fed current-to single-phase mains. The, the proposed converter is designed in MATLAB Simulink and is tested in a real time dspace environment. Both of simulation and real time results show that the proposed converter attains a satisfactory performance.
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2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)