Overview of Double-Line-Frequency Power Decoupling Techniques for Single-Phase Z-Source/Quasi-Z-Source Inverter
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2017 IEEE. The power decoupling strategies of single-phase Z-source/quasi-Z-source inverter (ZSI/qZSI) to handle the inherent double-line-frequency (2) power are overviewed. They are categorized as passive and active power decoupling methods. The former suppresses the 2 ripple by the impedance network, modified modulation methods, or closed-loop damping control. The latter diverts the 2 ripple to the compensation capacitor of integrated active power filters, through properly operating a half-bridge phase leg. The pros and cons of those 2 power decoupling methods are discussed and recommendations are given for future development of such single-phase inverters.
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IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society