Characterization and distribution of an interspersed repeated nucleotide sequence from Lophopyrum elongatum and mapping of a segregation-distortion factor with it.
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Repeated nucleotide sequence pLeUCD2 cloned from Lophopyrum elongatum is highly abundant in the genomes of diploid and polyploid wheatgrass species of genera Lophopyrum, Thinopyrum, Pseudoroegneria, Agropyron, Elymus, Elytrigia, and Pascopyrum but undetectable by Southern blot hybridization in Triticum and representative species of Dasypyrum, Hordeum, Psathyrostachys, Secale, Taeniatherum, Heteranthelium, and Leymus in the tribe Triticeae. The DNA fragment inserted in pLeUCD2 is 277 bp long and AT rich (65%), and contains numerous inverted and palindromic repeats. In situ DNA hybridization substantiated a previous hypothesis that the sequence is interspersed in the wheatgrass genomes. Heterogeneity and clustering of like repeats of the pLeUCD2 family along wheatgrass chromosomes was used to map a segregation-distortion factor, designated Sd-1, proximal to the Lr19 locus in recombinant chromosomes of L. ponticum chromosome 7Ag and wheat chromosome 7D.