Weed control and response to herbicides during Tifton 85 bermudagrass establishment from rhizomes Academic Article uri icon


  • Field studies were conducted in 2001 to 2003 to determine the effects of herbicides and application timings during establishment of Tifton 85 hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon Pers. C. nlemfuensis Vanderyst). The experimental design was a split plot with three replications. Main plot consisted of three herbicide application timings of 1, 14, and 28 d after planting (DAP), and subplots were 16 herbicide treatments. Hormonelike herbicides (picloram + 2,4D amine and 2,4D amine + dicamba) applied 1 DAP controlled large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.] 70 to 82%, did not injure Tifton 85, and consistently aided in Tifton 85 establishment, resulting in 23 to 30% ground cover in 2001 and 2002 compared with 3 to 4% in the untreated control. Imazapic (0.02, 0.035, and 0.05 kg a.i. ha1) applied 1 and 14 DAP injured Tifton 85, ranging from 4 to 48% injury across years, yet these plots consistently had greater ground cover compared with the control, ranging from 9 to 56%. Glyphosate (0.28 kg a.i. ha1) applied 14 DAP injured Tifton 85 less than 9%, controlled large crabgrass 76%, broadleaf signalgrass (Urochloa platyphylla Munroe ex C. Wright) 91%, and had 38, 45, and 17% ground cover in 2001, 2002, and 2003, respectively. Trifloxysulfuron (0.02 kg ha1) applied 1 and 14 DAP controlled broadleaf signalgrass (>90%) and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) (>90%), did not injure Tifton 85, and resulted in 41 to 67% ground cover in 2002 and 2003. These data illustrate that Tifton 85 establishment was improved when weeds were controlled.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Butler, T. J., Muir, J. P., & Ducar, J. T.

citation count

  • 13

complete list of authors

  • Butler, Twain J||Muir, James P||Ducar, Joyce Tredaway

publication date

  • May 2006
