Assessment and ecological indicators of total and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the aquatic environment of lake Manzala, Egypt. uri icon


  • The study objective was to assess the profile of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the aquatic environment of Lake Manzala and to determine the potential sources and effects of these hydrocarbons. To reach these objectives 24 surface sediment and 24 tilapia fish were collected and analyzed using GC-FID and GC-MS. The highest concentrations for n-alkanes (n-C15-35) (19,625ng g-1) and PAHs (45PAHs) (5,153ng g-1) were found in sediments collected from Bahr Al-Baqar drain while Al-Temsah and Al-Hamra sites contained the lowest concentrations. Different diagnostic molecular ratios for hydrocarbons were used to evaluate sources of the hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons were found to have differing proportions of petrogenic, pyrogenic, and biogenic sources. Comparison to sediment quality guidelines indicated PAHs were below the effect range low (ERL) with the exception of acenaphthene, fluorine, and 45PAHs in Bahr Al-Baqar drain sediments. Tissue samples had moderate PAH concentrations for 45PAHs ranging from 302.5ng g-1 West of Bashteer (S3) to 596ng g-1 in Legam (S5). Since fish metabolize PAH quickly, their detection suggest continual or very recent exposure. The PAH in sediment and fish from Lake Manzala are at a low or below level of environmental concern.

published proceedings

  • J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng

altmetric score

  • 1.5

author list (cited authors)

  • El-Kady, A. A., Wade, T. L., & Sweet, S. T.

citation count

  • 8

complete list of authors

  • El-Kady, Ahmed A||Wade, Terry L||Sweet, Stephen T

publication date

  • July 2018