Registration of CA 4002 Cotton Germplasm Line Partially Resistant to Verticillium Wilt uri icon


  • Verticillium wilt (caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) is a devastating global disease and an emerging production issue in the primary cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) region of the United States, the Texas High Plains. Lines with partial resistance generally are not suited to this region on the basis of later crop maturity and boll type. A major objective of the Texas AgriLife Research cotton breeding program is combining partial resistance to Verticillium wilt with early crop maturity and storm-proof boll type. CA 4002 cotton germplasm (Reg. No. GP-956, PI 665226) was derived from a 1994 cross of 'Paymaster 147' (PVP 8900269, PI 601733) with (Stahman P CA 2266). Three years of multilocation replicated performance testing were conducted in 2009, 2010, and 2011. CA 4002 was the most resistant to Verticillium wilt in three inoculated greenhouse assays (33 entries) and was among the most resistant entries in a field site naturally infested with V. dahliae (30 entries). CA 4002 was similar to the partially resistant check in all greenhouse and field ratings for disease incidence and was more resistant than the partially susceptible check in all greenhouse and field tests. Performance trial data across 3 yr indicate that CA 4002 is similar to the best production check cultivar in yield, maturity, and boll type and similar to the most resistant check in Verticillium wilt resistance. CA 4002 had better fiber length uniformity and elongation than both checks. Crop Science Society of America.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Dever, J. K., Wheeler, T. A., & Kelly, C. M.

citation count

  • 6

complete list of authors

  • Dever, Jane K||Wheeler, Terry A||Kelly, Carol M

publication date

  • May 2013
