Effects of Holding Temperatures on the Development of Zebra Chip Symptoms, Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum Titers, and Phenolic Levels in Red La Soda and Russet Norkotah Tubers
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2017, The Potato Association of America. Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso) is the putative causal agent of zebra chip disease (ZC). Late season Lso-infected potatoes that are known to be asymptomatic at harvest may continue to develop symptoms by the time of shipment to consumers. This study observed symptom development, Lso titer changes, and changes in symptom-associated phenolic compounds in Lso-infected yet asymptomatic tubers placed at different holding temperatures. ZC symptoms present in freshly-sliced tubers were more severe in Red La Soda or Russet Norkotah tubers held at 3C than at 6C or 9C. However, Lso titers showed considerable variability in both cultivars over time and at these holding temperatures. Phenolic compound levels, known to be associated with ZC symptom severity, in tubers kept at 3C were greater than those kept at 6C or 9C and increased over time. These results demonstrate that ZC could develop in tubers kept in cold storage, with those kept at 3C having more ZC development than those kept at 6C or 9C.