Simulating browse production and response of Acacia karroo to defoliation I. Model description and sensitivity analyses uri icon


  • The model is aimed at synthesizing existing data to enhance the understanding of this data and explore the consequences of possible browse management strategies. It gives a good reproduction of the shoot and leaf growth responses used to develop it and a reasonable prediction of leaf growth when tested against independent data. The prediction of shoot growth against independent data was poor. Sensitivity analyses indicate that five parameters have a very strong influence on the output of the model. These are moisture, soil depth, the magnitude and duration of growth stimulation following defoliation, how soon growth is initialized and how favourable growing conditions are in spring. Plant size and the carry-over of growth stimulation from one year to the next had a moderate influence. Die model is daarop gemik om bestaande data saam te vat om so die verstaanbaarheid van hierdie data te verhoog en te eksperimenteer met gevolge van die moontlike bestuur van struikvreters. Dit geen goeie weergawe van die loot- en blaargroei reaksies wat gebruik is om dit te ontwikkel enn redelike skatting van blaargroei wanneer dit teen onafhanklike data getoets word. Die voorspelling van lootgroei teen onafhanklike data was swak. Sensitiwiteitsanalise het aangetoon dat veral vyf parametersn baie sterk invloed uitoefen op die afvoer van die model. Dit is vog, gronddiepte, die omvang en tydsduur van groeistimulasie wat volg na ontblar- ing en hoe gou groei geinisieer is, asook hoe gnstig groeitoestande in lente is. Plantgrootte en die oordrag van groeistimulasie van een jaar na die volgende hetn matige invloed gehad. 1986 Taylor Francis Group, LLC.

published proceedings

  • Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa

author list (cited authors)

  • Teague, W. R., Teague, R. C., & Walker, B. H.

citation count

  • 3

complete list of authors

  • Teague, WR||Teague, Rosemary C||Walker, BH

publication date

  • March 1990