Patterns of selection of Acacia karroo by goats and changes in tannin levels and in vitro digestibility following defoliation uri icon


  • Patterns of browse selection by Boer goats in a representative Acacia karroo community in the eastern Cape were studied. The rate of intake of browse was positively related to the leaf mass per unit length of the shoot. The ease of harvesting leaf material, as determined by the height off the ground, modified the rate of intake. Generally, following browsing, tannin levels increased significantly and in vitro digestibility decreased significantly. These changes in tannin content and digestibility differed in magnitude according to the plant size and age of the shoot and leaf. Generally, the leaf and shoot intake was negatively related to tannin content and positively related to digestibility, thus influencing patterns of selection for different plant parts and size classes of A. karroo. However, some of the results are contradictory. Die struikscleksicpatroon van boerbokke opn vertcenwoordige Acacia karroo gemeenskap in die oos-Kaap is ondersoek. Daar wasn positiewe verwantskap tussen die tempo van struikinname cn blaarmassa per eenheid lootlengte. Die gemak waarmee lootmatcriaal, gemeet aan die hoogte bo grondvlakte, deur bokkc ge-oes is, het die tempo van blaarinname bci'nvlocd. Na struikbenutting het die tannieninhoud betekenisvol verhoog en verteerbaarheid betekenisvol afgeneem. Die verandcringe in tannieninhoud cn verteerbaarheid het in verhouding tot blaar- en lootouderdom en plantgrootte verskil. Oor die algemeen, toon blaar- en lootinnamen negatiewe verwantskap met tannieninhoud terwyl ditn positiewe verwantskap met verteerbaarheid toon om sodoende die seleksie patrono vir verskillendc plantdele en grootte klassc van A. karroo te bei'nvloed. Nietemin, is sommige van die resultate teenstrydig. 1989 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

published proceedings

  • Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa

author list (cited authors)

  • Teague, W. R.

citation count

  • 12

complete list of authors

  • Teague, WR

publication date

  • December 1989