Consumer response to novel indoor foliage plant attributes: Evidence from a conjoint experiment and gaze analysis uri icon


  • 2015, American Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved. A rating-based conjoint experiment combined with eye-tracking analysis was used to investigate the effect of plant attributes on consumer purchase likelihood for indoor foliage plants. The experiment assessed the effects of plant type (Dracaena marginata Lam., Guzmania lingulata, or Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel), volatile organic compound (VOC) removal capacity (high, low, or none specified), price ($10.9814.98/plant), production method [certified organic, organic production (not certified), or conventional], and origin (in-state, domestic, or imported) on consumer preferences. An ordered logit model was used to analyze the data. Organic production methods, in-state origin, domestic origin, and high VOC removal increased participants purchase likelihood. Visually attending to the highest price point ($14.98) increased consumers purchase likelihood. Age, gender, child (<12 years), pet, relationship status, education, and ethnicity affected participants purchase likelihood for indoor foliage plants. Purchasing barriers for indoor foliage plants are also discussed. Results have implications for indoor foliage plant growers and retailers as they produce, promote, and sell their products.

published proceedings

  • HortScience

author list (cited authors)

  • Rihn, A., Khachatryan, H., Campbell, B., Hall, C., & Behe, B.

complete list of authors

  • Rihn, A||Khachatryan, H||Campbell, B||Hall, C||Behe, B

publication date

  • January 2015