A sixmask TFTLCD process using coppergate metallurgy uri icon


  • A novel reduced mask process is used to fabricate high-resolution high-aperture-ratio 10.5-in. SXCA (1280 1024) displays. The process uses copper gate-metallurgy with redundancy, without the need for extra processing steps. The resulting displays have 150-dpi color resolution, an aperture ratio of over 35%, and excellent image quality, making them the first high-resolution displays that are suitable for notebook applications.

published proceedings

  • Journal of the Society for Information Display

author list (cited authors)

  • Fryer, P. M., Colgan, E., Galligan, E., Graham, W., Horton, R., Hunt, D., ... Wright, S.

citation count

  • 11

complete list of authors

  • Fryer, PM||Colgan, E||Galligan, E||Graham, W||Horton, R||Hunt, D||Jenkins, L||John, R||Koke, P||Kuo, Y||Latzko, K||Libsch, F||Lien, A||Nywening, R||Polastre, R||Rothwell, ME||Wilson, J||Wisnieff, R||Wright, S

publication date

  • January 1997
