Highisolation multiport millimetrewave CMOS dualband T/R switch with integrated bandpass filtering function uri icon


  • The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016. Fully integrated 0.18-m CMOS dual-band band-pass filtering transmit/receive (T/R) switch operating in twofrequency bands of 35.5-43.7 and 56.5-63 GHz is reported. The developed T/R switch consists of three single-poledouble-throw switches, each designed based on a band-pass filter with shunt nMOS transistors performing theswitching function. The measured insertion losses of the switch are 8.9/12.5 and 10/12.7 dB for receiving andtransmitting operations at 40/60 GHz, respectively. The measured stop-band rejection ratio between 40 and 51 GHz isover 30/22 dB for two operations, respectively. The measured isolation is 56/51 and 57/51 dB for two operationsat 40/60 GHz, respectively. The measured input 1-dB compression points of the switch are 23, 16.5 for single-tone40-, 60-GHz input signal and 18/14 dBm at 40/60 GHz for concurrent dual-tone 40/60-GHz input signals for transmittingoperation, respectively. The total chip size is 1840 m 860 m excluding all the testing pads.

published proceedings

  • IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation

author list (cited authors)

  • Um, Y., & Nguyen, C.

citation count

  • 6

complete list of authors

  • Um, Youngman||Nguyen, Cam

publication date

  • January 2017