An Overview on the Scope, Importance and Market Opportunities of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
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The nutrition industry and academic communities continue to have a fascination with various '-omics' platforms, from genomics to lipidomics to proteomics to metabolomics. The focus appears to maintain a myopic vista of consumer relevance. Nutraceuticals and functional foods (NFx) present an economically robust opportunity on a global scale. The dearth of NFx products that enjoy a reputable evidence base affords a compelling opportunity for industrial and academic alliances that integrate consumer relevance-instantly understood, evidence-based, and confidence-inspired health benefits. Creation of an intellectual property composite from the inception point, cognizant of global markets and demographics, is critical to prolonging the product life cycle and maximizing market share. The consumer promise of an NFx holds the allure of improved or preserved physiologic or metabolic function, beyond that of micronutrient and macronutrient essentiality. The challenge of creating finished goods that create sustainable and robust revenues, and provide sufficient investment returns, coupled with large legions of brand zealots, is equally substantial. 2008 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
author list (cited authors)
Almada, A. L.
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Almada, Anthony L
Book Title
Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World