Gerstenhaber brackets on Hochschild cohomology of twisted tensor products uri icon


  • 2017 European Mathematical Society. We construct the Gerstenhaber bracket on Hochschild cohomology of a twisted tensor product of algebras, and, as examples, compute Gerstenhaber brackets for some quantum complete intersections arising in the work of Buchweitz, Green, Madsen, and Solberg.We prove that a subalgebra of the Hochschild cohomology ring of a twisted tensor product, on which the twisting is trivial, is isomorphic, as a Gerstenhaber algebra, to the tensor product of the respective subalgebras of the Hochschild cohomology rings of the factors.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Noncommutative Geometry

author list (cited authors)

  • Grimley, L., Nguyen, V., & Witherspoon, S.

citation count

  • 9

complete list of authors

  • Grimley, Lauren||Nguyen, Van||Witherspoon, Sarah

publication date

  • January 2017