Interaction between supplemental zinc oxide and zilpaterol hydrochloride on growth performance, carcass traits, and blood metabolites in feedlot steers. uri icon


  • Interactive effects of supplemental Zn and zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) were evaluated in feedlot steers ( = 40; 652 kg 14 initial BW) to determine their impact on feedlot performance, blood constituents, and carcass traits. The study was conducted as a randomized complete block design with a 2 2 factorial treatment arrangement. Steers were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to treatments. Factors consisted of supplemental Zn (60 or 300 mg/kg diet DM) and ZH (0 or 8.33 mg/kg) in the diets. For diets supplemented with 300 mg Zn/kg DM, 60 mg Zn/kg was supplemented as zinc sulfate and 240 mg Zn/kg was supplemented as zinc oxide, and the diet was fed for 24 d. Zilpaterol hydrochloride was fed for 21 d followed by a 3-d withdrawal. Cattle were housed in partially covered individual feeding pens equipped with automatic waterers and fence-line feed bunks and were fed once daily for ad libitum intake. Plasma samples were collected on d 0 and 21 to assess changes in Zn, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN), glucose, and lactate concentrations, and serum samples were collected on d 21 to assess IGF-1 concentration. On d 25, cattle were weighed and transported 450 km to a commercial abattoir for harvest; HCW and incidence of liver abscesses were recorded. Carcass data were collected after 36 h of refrigeration. Data were analyzed as a mixed model with Zn, ZH, and Zn ZH as fixed effects; block as a random effect; and steer as the experimental unit. No interaction or effects of Zn or ZH were observed for IGF-1 concentration, plasma glucose, or lactate concentrations ( 0.25). No interaction between Zn and ZH was observed for PUN concentration, but PUN decreased with ZH ( < 0.01). There were no effects of ZH or Zn on ADG, DMI, final BW, feed efficiency, HCW, back fat, KPH, quality grade, or incidence of liver abscesses ( > 0.05). Zinc supplementation tended ( = 0.08) to improve the proportion of carcasses grading USDA Choice. Feeding ZH decreased yield grade ( = 0.05) and tended to increase LM area ( = 0.07). In conclusion, increasing dietary concentrations of Zn does not impact response to ZH, but feeding ZH altered circulating concentrations of PUN.

published proceedings

  • J Anim Sci

author list (cited authors)

  • Van Bibber-Krueger, C. L., Miller, K. A., Amachawadi, R. G., Scott, H. M., Gonzalez, J. M., & Drouillard, J. S.

complete list of authors

  • Van Bibber-Krueger, CL||Miller, KA||Amachawadi, RG||Scott, HM||Gonzalez, JM||Drouillard, JS