Development and Performance Evaluation of Bullock-drawn Groundnut Diggers uri icon


  • Four different types of bullock-drawn groundnut diggers, namely; two-row ridging type, ridging type with semi-circular blade, V-type blade and ridger type were developed. Testing of these diggers was done for power requirement, effective field capacity, field efficiency, labour requirement, pod losses, digging efficiency, performance index and economics of digging. Effective field capacity and digging efficiency were high in the case of V-type blade and ridger type, respectively. The maximum digging efficiency of 92.0% was found for the ridger type under an optimum speed of 1.9 km/h. The performance index was maximum for the semi-circular blade as 0.170. As compared to manual uprooting, the performance of these bullock-drawn diggers was satisfactory and economical. However, the ridger type was most sutable. The use of these diggers are within reach of small and marginal farmers growing groundnut crop on a commercial basis.

published proceedings

  • AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

author list (cited authors)

  • Dash, S. K., Das, D. K., Paul, J. C., Mishra, J. N., & Swain, S. K.

complete list of authors

  • Dash, SK||Das, DK||Paul, JC||Mishra, JN||Swain, SK

publication date

  • June 1998