Evidence that soilborne wheat mosaic virus moves long distance through the xylem in wheat. uri icon


  • Soilborne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) is a member of the genus Furovirus of plant viruses. SBWMV is transmitted to wheat roots by the plasmodiophorid vector Polymyxa graminis. Experiments were conducted to determine the path for SBWMV transport from roots to leaves. The results of immunogold labeling suggest that SBWMV enters and moves long distance through the xylem. SBWMV may enter primary xylem elements before cell death occurs and then move upward in the plant after the xylem has matured into hollow vessels. There is also evidence for lateral movement between adjacent xylem vessels.

published proceedings

  • Protoplasma

author list (cited authors)

  • Verchot, J., Driskel, B. A., Zhu, Y., Hunger, R. M., & Littlefield, L. J.

citation count

  • 41

complete list of authors

  • Verchot, J||Driskel, BA||Zhu, Y||Hunger, RM||Littlefield, LJ

publication date

  • March 2001