In a colony of Beagles that had received intravenous injections of 226Ra was a subgroup of 42 dogs that had limbs amputated because of the development of painful bone lesions. Information was gained from sequential radiographic studies plus examination of tissue harvested from the amputated limbs. Bone lesions that had their inception in bizarre, progressively expansile resorption cavities in which the process of normal bone tissue replacement was defective were identified. Some of these lesions were the site of development of bone sarcomas. This radiationinduced disturbance in bone repair was termed radiation osteodystrophy. The pathologic sequence in these Beagles in which a defect in the remodeling process of cortical bone leads to the development of lesions of radiation osteodystrophy and bone sarcoma was felt to be unique and thought to be a specific effect of chronic irradiation by 226Ra. Copyright 1982, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved