Characteristics of voluntarily and involuntarily childless wives. uri icon


  • Using data from the 1965 U.S. National Fertility Study, white childless wives 30-54 years old were categorized as voluntarily, involuntarily, or temporarily childless. These 3 groups were then compared along many demographic, socioeconomic, marital, and religious lines. It was found that voluntarily and involuntarily childless wives were similar across most characteristics and both groups were different from the temporarily childless women. This last group is considerably younger than either of the other 2 groups; this fact may account for the differences between this and the other 2 groups. Other literature on childlessness is cited and compared. The difficulties with categorization of childless wives are discussed. Before it is generally concluded that differences do not exist between voluntarily and involuntarily childless wives, it will be necessary to study data from younger women who benefited from the "new fertility regime" of recent years.

published proceedings

  • Soc Biol

author list (cited authors)

  • Poston, D. L.

citation count

  • 24

complete list of authors

  • Poston, DL

publication date

  • January 1976