Neighborhood Influences on Antisocial Behavior During Childhood and Adolescence
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2013, Springer Science+Business Media New York. All rights reserved. This chapter reviews recent research on neighborhood influences on children's and adolescents' antisocial behavior. Building on reviews in this area, we focus on recent developments pertaining to life course criminology. We have five main aims in this chapter. First, we engage General Strain Theory along with stress process perspectives to further theorize neighborhood structural and processual influences both in the short-term and dynamically over time. Second, we examine findings from cross-sectional research on neighborhood structure and process influences on a range of antisocial behaviors in both childhood and adolescence, considering direct and indirect links as well as moderating factors. Third, we use a life course criminology framework to examine antisocial behavior trajectories in the context of neighborhood residence. Studies in this area include results of both semi-parametric mixture models as well as hierarchical linear growth models of antisocial behavior trajectories. Fourth, we examine emerging research on neighborhood dynamics. Fifth, we consider research on the timing of neighborhood influences. We conclude with a summary of major findings and suggestions for future research on neighborhood influences on young people in life course criminology.