Stability and control of high-speed flows
Conference Paper
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This paper discusses the ASU activity in 2-D and axisymmetric hypersonic and 3-D supersonic boundarylayer stability. Our computational work in hypersonics is joint with the Mach-6 experiments at Purdue and is focused on two geometries: the spherically blunted round cone at 0 AOA and the centerline of the Hyper2000 forebody. For both geometries, our two objectives are to: Obtain detailed, controlled, and repeatable experimental data (both mean flow and stability) that is reconciled with computations (validation). Determine mechanisms of transition as a first step towards replacing empirical predictions with physics-based predictions. Once the computations are validated at Mach 6, they will be applied to higher-Mach-number hot flow with chemistry. Factors to consider to simulate flight conditions include, but are not limited to, thermalnonequilibrium, ionization, surface-chemistry, ablation, roughness, and particle interactions. In 3-D supersonic flows, we are investigating a very promising technique for laminar flow control, namely the application of subcritically spaced, micron-sized roughness near the leading edge to inhibit crossflow transition. 2001 The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. All rights reserved.