Preliminary experiments in the development of a radiatively driven hypersonic wind tunnel Conference Paper uri icon


  • 1998 by AE. Morgan et al. We present the first experimental results of controlled radiative energy addition to a supersonic nozzle flow. In this experiment the output of a 10 kW cw CO2laser was absorbed by 250 ppm of Sulfur Hexaflouride (SF6) seeded into the Nitrogen flow. This first energy addition experiment is part of a larger test program aimed towards the development of a full scale radiatively driven hypersonic wind tunnel. The role of this experiment in the test program has been to serve as a proof of principle for radiative energy addition to a supersonic nozzle flow. The experimental design, results, and a comparison with numerical predictions are presented. Pressure and Mach number measurements clearly indicate that radiative energy addition produced a stable flow field. Measurements show qualitative agreement with numerical predictions.

name of conference

  • 20th AIAA Advanced Measurement and Ground Testing Technology Conference

published proceedings

  • 20th AIAA Advanced Measurement and Ground Testing Technology Conference

author list (cited authors)

  • Morgan, A., Barker, P., Anderson, R., Grinstead, J., Brown, G., & Miles, R.

citation count

  • 8

complete list of authors

  • Morgan, Alan||Barker, Peter||Anderson, Robert||Grinstead, Jay||Brown, Garry||Miles, Richard

publication date

  • June 1998